Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PHIVOLCS’ Best Practice, “Automated Multi-hazard Assessment in the Philippines Using HazardHunterPH," has received both a 7-star rating and the Category Award for Risk Management in the 9th International Best Practice Competition. The awards were announced during the virtual ceremonies that took place on July 20 and August 3, 2023.

HazardHunterPH is an application developed by GeoRisk Philippines, a multi-agency initiative led by DOST-PHIVOLCS. It is a one-stop platform for site-specific multi-hazard assessment that uses official hazard and other relevant information from DOST-PHIVOLCS, DOST-PAGASA, DENR-MGB, DOH, DepEd, and DPWH. Generated assessments may be used for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA) initiatives and development plans, among others.

During the competition, the HazardHunterPH was showcased as an online “scientist, consultant, and GIS expert” all at once. A demonstration of how to use the application was shown, as well as a graph comparing the results of hazard assessments conducted with human interventions versus those conducted using a fully-automated HazardHunterPH. The findings revealed that more people are served with the latter, presumably reflecting a more hazard-aware nation compared to the previous years before HazardHunterPH. Through the platform, efficiency in generating hazard assessment reports increased to 5,000%, from 3 days to ~15 seconds.

The International Best Practice Competition (IBPC) is an annual event hosted by the Centre for Organizational Excellence Research (COER), the BPIR (Best Practice Improvement Resource), and the Global Benchmarking Network that recognizes notable aspects of work performed by individuals, groups, and organizations. Level of deployment, level of innovation, results achieved, evidence of being the best practice, and future plans are among the established criteria used to evaluate best practices. Following evaluation, entries with four or more stars are deemed best practices, and seven stars are regarded as world-class performance. In addition, category awards were given to selected best practices. The IBPC has established a total of 21 different categories, including leadership, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, risk management, automation, and technology, to name a few.

It is with great honor that the HazardHunterPH received a 7-star rating and the Category Award for Risk Management. The fact that other countries recognized HazardHunterPH's influence illustrates how valuable the Institute's products and services are in disaster risk reduction. For this, the DOST-PHIVOLCS is driven to continually develop platforms that improve and enhance community disaster-resilience.


HazardHunterPH Web Application; Graph analysis showing that HazardHunterPH served a larger population


Mabelline T. Cahulogan, Project Head of GeoRisk Philippines, presented HazardHunterPH in the 9th IBPC.  Some of the advantages of using HazardHunterPH were also highlighted.

Visit to see how HazardHunterPH can assist your community in preparing before disaster strikes!

