The PHIVOLCS Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment System (REDAS) Team was awarded the Special Recognition for Group Category during the 21st Gawad Kalasag Awarding Ceremony held at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) on December 6, 2019. The Kalasag award is a national search award for Excellence in Disaster Risk reduction and Management and Humanitarian Assistance. The REDAS Software Developer Dr. Bartolome C. Bautista, REDAS Programme Coordinator Dr. Maria Leonila P. Bautista and Dr. Rhommel N. Grutas received the award on behalf of the team (see group picture below).

The following REDAS Team achievements were cited in the award citation:
For enabling the mainstreaming of DRR principles into the local land use and development planning process through the provision training on the REDAS software to local government officials;
For developing an integrated system capable of generating earthquake hazard and risk maps as well as multi-hazard impact scenarios that can be used to guide disaster preparedness prevention and mitigation initiatives;
For creating an easy-access tool for earthquake and tsunami alerting that is highly useful for operation centers and for earthquake intensity reporting that can be utilized by the general public;
For devising a guide that can facilitate the conduct of Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA), the quick deployment of resources, and prioritization of disaster response efforts; and
For providing a cost-effective Geographic Information System (GIS) software for users to display, digitize and manipulative various maps, as well as build up their own exposure database.
The citation also mentioned that “these accomplishments are all notable contributions to the national effort to build a safer, climate change adaptive and disaster resilient Philippines, worthy of emulation by our people and recognition from Gawad KALASAG”.

Gawad Kalasag Award and citation for the PHIVOLCS REDAS Team